When new times change the old world: Austrian Contemporary History Day

University of Graz develops sustainable and recyclable bio-plastic

Researchers at the University of Graz are developing a fully recyclable, bio-based epoxy resin that could change the plastics industry in the long term. A breakthrough that combines environmental protection and economic efficiency.

Human Rights Award: How crimes are documented in Belarus

If no one is there to document them, crimes against humanity and human rights violations often go unseen and unpunished. In the case of Europe’s last dictatorship, the Belarusian regime, however, there is close scrutiny: Meet our university’s human rights prize winner organization, the NGO-coalition International Accountability Platform for Belarus (IAPB).

Rising cost of living for insects: Energy demand increases with climate change

It sounds paradoxical: when the climate gets warmer, insects need more energy. Biologists at the University of Graz have demonstrated this using the example of paper wasps of the genus Polistes. Their mated queens spend the cold season in hidden winter quarters and live on the reserves built up in autumn. "A special metabolic characteristic of insects is that their energy requirements increase exponentially at rest as the outside temperature rises," says Anton Stabentheiner, lead author of the study, which was recently published in the Journal of Comparative Physiology B.

Randnotizen aus dem Mittelalter: Philologe Bernhard Bauer liest zwischen den Zeilen

Postings sind heute weite verbreitet. Doch sie waren bereits im Mittelalter üblich: Gelehrte hinterließen an den Rändern oder zwischen den Zeilen von Handschriften ihre Kommentare. Diese sogenannten Glossen erleuchten nicht nur den besprochenen Text, sondern geben auch Aufschluss über den Hintergrund der Verfasser. Philologe Bernhard Bauer taucht in die Welt zwischen den Zeilen ein,